Cloud Migration and Adoption : What is the Best time

Tech Master
3 min readJun 17, 2020

The impacts of COVID-19 is turning a business’s strength into weakness and weaknesses into strengths almost overnight.

Typically, the first priority of most business leaders, in the face of COVID-19, has been to ensure their employees are safe. Then, they have done everything they can to help their customers, user population, and the community where they live and work. Now they can look inward, and take the opportunity to reflect on the impact of the last few weeks and start to stabilize their business for the near and short-term.

Leveraging Cloud Migration

Today, the computing needs of a company have reduced due to internet-powered Cloud Migration and Automation, which is assisting numerous businesses across the globe to make seamless transitions. Across industry verticals, Cloud Engineering is playing an essential role in enabling the Digital Transformation of enterprises. From modernizing applications to scaling up enterprise systems, Cloud Engineering is the featured initiative in the scheme of things for an organization’s IT strategy.

With remote working becoming the new business norm — there was less dependency on on-premise infrastructure and resources. The ability of enterprises to use Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) aspects of public cloud and application capabilities, which allow on-demand scale up and scale down of resources, have become relevant and imperative both for the positively and negatively impacted sectors and industries.

Accelerating Cloud Migration and Helping Businesses Continuity

For many leaders, the business they are looking at today is a very different beast to the one they were running a month ago.

The enterprises have been slow on cloud adoption and migration primarily because of being capital intensive, long migration roadmaps, and lack of in-house skills. Another factor that might have slowed such migration was BAU not being impacted. This criss has prompted all leaders to reconsider their business and processes.

To figure out how they can respond now and adapt quickly to new styles of work and react to new competition. They have also had to realign costs with revenue and, in some cases, completely pivot their business to stay relevant to their customers.

Until now, most cloud migrations have been part of wider, digital transformation strategies, where a business is trying to pivot to tap a new market or move from B2B to B2C etc. The focus of cloud migrations, within these initiatives, was predominantly on front-end, customer-centric applications, enabling scale and agility to add new features

Tactically moving certain apps to the cloud right now can help business pivot or double down on services that previously required less capacity.

On the opposite end of the spectrum, many businesses (in travel and hospitality especially) are needing to scale down their systems and operating costs. A tactical move to the cloud can also help businesses optimize and address crucial imbalances between cost and revenue.

In the present context of cloud computing, there is an urgent need for a cloud provider who will provide end-to-end migration processes with as little cost and high-level security as possible. This, in turn, will encourage more and more companies to adopt cloud migration and move their present systems onto the cloud.

Reference — Innominds

